Southern Piedmont Woodturners Monthly Meeting & Demo (April. 2025)
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
Comprehensive chronological list of all events and classes at ClearWater Artist Studios in Concord, NC. [As opposed to sorted lists by category on main Navigation pages]
For an at-a-glance look at ALL events (including Classes), see Calendar view.
See more frequently held events, or last-minute Virtual Event adds, on our FaceBook events!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
MIKE McNEILLY “INSPIRATION FROM WOOD” - Mike McNeilly will be our demonstrator for April 2023
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
Time is running out! Love seeing bark on the rim of a bowl? If so, it is best to turn that natural edge bowl before the sap starts flowing again. This month Ric Erkes will demonstrate just how to do that. Ric has been turning for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge to share. He’ll start with preparing the log, then safely mounting it to get the proper visual balance, bowl gouge usage to get a flowing form, and on to sanding techniques. Ric will finish by showing how he elevates the bowl by adding toes! Please see photos below of Ric’s work.
Social hour at 6:00pm
“Show and Share will be held afterwards, so let us all see what you’ve been turning.”
Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87580422232?pwd=M1ljVVRRQ3ZkVFFJNGU1MjNBMlEvdz09
Meeting ID: 875 8042 2232
Passcode: SPW
You will need to make sure your AUDIO and VIDEO are ON!
Members: If you have not paid your 2023 dues, please do so as soon as possible. You may visit our website and go to the bottom of the first page and click pay my dues or you or if you would rather you may mail a check; More info in the email sent by Club Leadership. Please only mail them to Cindy.
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
New Featured Woodturning Expert & Demo each month!
The SPW is based at ClearWater. See their SPW Profile Page on our website.
The club has its own entrance, be sure to communicate with Workshop leader Cindy Boehrns and be sure of where to go.
NOTE: This is an intermediate level class. You should be skilled in the basics of handling your tools on a lathe;
Basic skills needed are: Using a bowl gouge, spindle gouge and skew to turn beads, coves, v-cuts and pull cuts working on a flat surface with sharp square corners. We may also use texture tools.
Call Cindy, at the number listed below, with any questions.
The charge for the class will be $75.00 for members, $100.00 for non-members. This will cover the cost of wood, prep, and supplies.
Registration is at the SPW website; go to https://spwoodturners.com/store/
A full face shield is provided with each lathe and must be worn.
Long hair must be tied back.
Short sleeved shirts are preferred. Long sleeves must be rolled up and taped, .
Rings, watches and jewelry must be removed.
Closed toed shoes must be worn
As we are turning dry wood you may bring tight fitting turning glove.
The candle sticks are mounted on a backer board and attached with screws. The set is then attached to the lathe with a face plate.
The wood we will be turning is Black Walnut so people with a walnut sensitivity should not attend.
If there is interest, we may hold another class with different wood at a future date.
I have wood for a maximum of 10 students
At the end of the day, students will have turned and sanded all four sides, cut off attachment points, drilled and mounted candle rings and applied finish to their pieces. I have candles for each set. These make outstanding holiday gifts.
Each person may bring their own tools or use the shop tools. Lathes and tools must be inventoried by the student and signed for in the checkout book. At the end of the class they will be checked in by the instructor and signed off.
The shop will be cleaned, and everything put away before anyone leaves at the end of the day.
You may bring your own lunch or we can order in pizza if the group prefers at a shared cost.
Coffee, tea and soda are available at the club for $0.50.
Call or email Cindy at 402 730-5737 or caboehr@aol.com.
Feel free to call if you have questions.
In addition to providing the Gallery space (and, soon, the Banquet/ Multipurpose Room downstairs) for event Rentals, ClearWater Artist Studios also produces a growing variety of events. The 2nd Saturday Open Studios day, an open-house allowing access to artists working in their studios and anything else programmed that day, occurs monthly.
For an at-a-glance look at all events including classes, see Calendar view.
Seminars, and other events which may contain instructional presentation will be listed under Classes.
Past event pages, may hold photos of that event.
ClearWater is becoming; It is a place where...
Artists find community with other artists;
The Community finds artists and access to art;
Artists, and the Community find ways to interact, discuss, and be inspired to new (creative) ways of thinking.
CLEARWATER Arts Center & Studios lies in the Gibson Village Neighborhood, less than a mile from Historic Downtown Concord, NC.
223 Crowell Drive NW
Concord, NC 28025
Dave Buskey- Park and Recreation Supervisor
Ceramics Center Phone Number: