The Southern Piedmont Woodturners Association leases a large space here at ClearWater Arts Center & Studios (Studio 122), and has about 65-70 members. See their Artist Page on this website, for images; and/or their own website for more info. The club meets every 3rd Tuesday evening and non-members are welcome to attend the first time for free. Any participation in turning activities is only allowed after joining the club and taking appropriate training.
Demo /Monthly Meeting Program: FEBRUARY 2024:
Southern Piedmont Woodturners invite you to enjoy an evening with
“Turning Miniatures”
It’s all about tool control! Anne Ogg will be our demonstrator this month. If you have ever tried turning something small, you know you have to get the details right. Anne will be demonstrating how to turn a 1:12 scale reproduction of a period antique. I’m sure some homemade tools will be involved.
Anne Ogg is a juried member of the International Guild of Miniature Artisans and she teaches woodturning at UNC Asheville in SkillSet, a community outreach program that began in 2018 as a shop class for girls and now expands its reach to all members of the community. She is a current board member and past president of Carolina Mountain Woodturners, the largest chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. She has demonstrated for clubs in Tennessee and North Carolina.
Visit Anne’s website to see examples of her work.
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2024 6:30pm
Join us at 6:00pm for Social Time!
It is always best to experience the demonstration and gallery live in the studio, but if you can’t make it, it will be on Zoom. (Ric Erkes wants to apologize for last month’s Zoom difficulties. It was a technical glitch that he believes has been solved.)
Id: 823 7996 5857
Password: SPW
Show and Share will be held afterwards, so let us all see what you’ve been turning.
SPW has two large overhead screens for showing a demonstrator’s hands up close
Safe turning methods are taught and various turning days held for members monthly!
The Southern Piedmont Woodturners meet for fellowship and technical demonstrations on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm until 9:00 pm. We meet at our studio (#122) at ClearWater Arts Center & Studios, 223 Crowell Drive NW, Concord, NC 28025. Members begin to arrive for informal gathering around 5:30 pm; the meeting formally starts at 6:30 pm and the program is usually finished by 9:00 pm.
We usually have an "Instant Gallery" of members’ items they bring to demonstrate how previous demonstrators have influenced their work. We also have a raffle of items to raise funds for the club.
In addition to ClearWater Arts Center & Studios, the SPW is associated with the Cabarrus County Arts Council (CCAC), the American Association of Woodturners (AAW), and the North Carolina Woodturners Association (NCWA).
To inquire about club activities, see the club website. Or, you may call the ClearWater Arts Center and speak with ClearWater Coordinator, Sarah Gay at 704-920-6600 who can help direct your call.
A typical monthly meeting with demonstrator showing a technique of interest.