The Southern Piedmont Woodturners Association leases a large space here at ClearWater Artist Studios (Studio 122), and has about 65 local members. See their Artist Page on this site for images; and/or their own website for more info. The club meets every 3rd Tuesday evening and non-members are welcome to attend the first time for free.
For June 2019 Demo /Monthly Meeting Program:
Invites you to enjoy an evening with
“Safety, Creativity and Necessity”
Jack Reyome who is a lifetime member of Southern Piedmont Woodturners will be our guest demonstrator for June. Please plan to join us as Jack shares some of his passions of woodturning. Jack will be sharing and reminding all of us of the importance of Safety when using the lathe by pointing out some techniques and practices on safe turning. He will also be showing and perhaps demonstrating some of the unique jigs, tools and inventions he has come up with over the years that make his turning easier and less time consuming. He will also be discussing the need for creativity in turning whether from the onset of a project, a design opportunity or the lack of a needed tool. This promises to be a solid Back to the Basics presentation that experienced, intermediate and beginner turners can get great ideas and reminders from. I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
6:30pm with Social Hour 5:30pm
Clearwater Artist Studios
223 Crowell Drive, NW, Concord, NC 28025
Enter via stairs to second floor on end near Kerr St.
Turner of the Month: Tony Pridmore
Monthly Challenge: Lidded bowl w/ finial > 4” and 1 embellishment
Note-- Official meet time starts at 6:30; but social hour starts at 5:30 so come early!
The Southern Piedmont Woodturners meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm until 9:00 pm. We meet at our studio (#122) at Clearwater Artist Studios, 223 Crowell Drive NW, Concord, NC 28025. Members begin to arrive around 5:30 pm and the program is usually finished by 9:00 pm.
We usually have an "Instant Gallery" of members’ items they bring to demonstrate how previous demonstrators have influenced their work. We also have a raffle of items to raise funds for the club.
In addition to Clearwater Artist Studios, the SPW is associated with the Cabarrus County Arts Council (CCAC), the American Association of Woodturners (AAW), and the North Carolina Woodturners Association (NCWA).
To inquire about club activities, see the club website and find contact info there. Or, you may always call the ClearWater Artist Studios Manager, Sarah Gay at 704-784-9535 who can help assess who best to talk to.
A typical monthly meeting with demonstrator showing a technique of interest.