Mural RFQ / Call for Artists DEADLINE 4/30
Clearwater Arts Center - Community Mural RFQ
Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte (RTGC), in collaboration with the City of Concord and Republic Services Foundation, is seeking qualifications from local artists for a community mural project.
The planned location for the mural is on an exterior wall of the Clearwater Arts Center at 223 Crowell Dr NW, Concord, NC 28025. The specific location for the mural will be a collaborative decision including the selected artist.
For more info and the online Application Form, Click HERE.
The selected artist will receive $20,000 in compensation. The artist will be responsible for providing all paint, brushes, painting supplies, lifts, ladders, etc., needed to complete the mural.
Project Timeline:
RFP open from 4/1/2024 – 4/30/2024
Artist will be selected by 5/15/2024
Artist will have from 5/15/2024 through 7/31/2024 to gain community input and design the mural
Concord Public Art Commission will review and approve the design by 8/31/2024
Artist will have from 9/1/2024 – 9/25/2024 to prepare for project and install the outline of the mural on the building
Artist will work with Republic Services volunteers to fill in the mural on 9/26/2024
Artist will have until 10/5/2024 to touch up and complete the mural
Community Input:
The artist is expected to conduct community outreach in the neighborhoods around Clearwater Arts Center to get input from residents on the mural design. Based on that community input, the artist will design and submit the mural for approval.
Please contact Beth Morrison at 704-266-1195 or beth@rebuildingtogetherclt.org with any questions about this RFP.
Tp apply, you must upload all application info and examples of prior work at the Application page linked above. Read Instructions carefully!