On Saturday, November 11, 2017 (same day as ClearWater's 2nd Saturday Open Studios), from 10:00am until 3:00pm at the Southern Piedmont Woodturners shop at ClearWater Artist Studios (Studio 122), Club members Richard Vanstrum and Fred Connell will preside over a " hands on" Rose Engine Workshop.
Examples of works made with Rose Engine Lathes...
We will review the adjustments we have available on Rose Engines to produce different cuts and patterns. Everyone will have a chance to operate the Rose Engine and hopefully create their own piece. We will have Rambling Rose and and MDF Rose Engine.
We will be charging $5 [five dollars] per participant to cover the cost of materials we supply.
All machine operators must wear glasses or safety glasses. We may order takeout for lunch.
Some advanced techniques will be covered if there is an interest.