The ClearWater Artists Coalition (CAC) charges the leasing artists at ClearWater with organizing "artistic cultural activities...”
Here is the stated purpose of the CAC, written in the Coalition By-Laws:
“The purpose of the Clearwater Artist Coalition (CAC) is to stimulate interest and awareness in all forms of art, to coordinate artistic cultural activities including but not limited to painting, sculpture, music, dance, theatre, allied arts and crafts and to promote cultural value to the people of Gibson Village and the greater Concord community.”
Every tenant artist at ClearWater is a de-facto member. In 2016, the group decided to open Coalition Membership to non-tenants—artists and non-artists alike. It was agreed that in particular, specialized expertise was also needed for Board positions - such as a professional CPA to serve as Treasurer, or an Event Planner to assist artists with bringing creative ideas to reality as events.
This means YOU can join, to help the organization meet its goals, benefit from the camaraderie and communal support the Coalition provides as artists gather and talk with each other; and be a catalyst for the nifty activities that YOU want to help make happen!
With the CW Gallery and Events spaces at its disposal, the CAC can leverage a great space, the professional online presence of the CW website and the cooperation of the ClearWater Manager working promotions, to organize arts and cultural events and activities that can have a big positive impact. Let us know how YOU want to get involved!