View our NEW UPDATE VIDEO (January 2024) with special previews of exciting new developments coming to ClearWater as well as a glimpse of the new Ceramics Center just built, completed in 2023!
With Many Thanks to our intrepid and beloved Video Guru, Johny Walker of Blue Label Visuals!
He also shot and edited the self-navigated, Online Virtual Tour - below - (Full Layout Version), and the new, corollary Ceramics Center video on Ceramics Center page; uploaded here as of early February, 2024! (See Ceramics Center page for an Online Tour showcasing just that building)
Ceramics Center is OPEN! (Nov. 1, 2023)
Our first Ceramics Classes began in the new Ceramics Center on Nov. 1, 2023! We are limiting class offerings and schedules as we build volunteer studio assistant teams to assist the part-time Site Supervisors… Stay tuned to our Social Media and click ‘Subscribe’ above to be on our email list for the e-Newsletter, "‘The Splash,’ to stay up to date on happenings.
See our newly-uploaded Ceramics Center Construction Photo Album on the Ceramics Center page! (click image)
ClearWater Ceramics Center’s part-time Site Supervisors are busily helping field new student requests, recruit Instructors, program out our potential class & Open Worktime schedules, helping us interview for our NEW part-time Center Leader position (Spring 2024) and continuously readying the space for classes, workshops and Artist-In Residence activity! We are NOT able to meet full demand at this time due to limits on staff funding; please have patience (and if you’d like to see us expand programming, please let City Council members know!)
The City of Concord Has Developed its First-ever Public Art Master Plan - the PAMP passed at Council for Adoption February, 2023!
The goal is to create a vision for a true, comprehensive public art program that will serve Concord, in a manner tailored to the City and its many diverse constituents. As part of the master planning process, Concord reached out to YOU and targeted groups from around the city! The resulting Master Plan was completed in January, 2023 and went before City Council where it was approved for adoption at their February Meeting, Thursday 2/9/23. The New Public Art Commission was appointed by City Council in June, 2023 and will be working on their first Annual Work Plan for Public Art for Concord, to be presented in Spring 2024!
Click here for more information on the Public Art Master Plan process, at the City’s website page on our Public Art Committee and Master Plan effort over the past year.
ClearWater Video Walking Tour (Oct. 2020)
Now you can see into our space! On Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020, We presented the live Facebook premiere of our Fall 2020 ClearWater Video Tour!!!
We are proud to share this outstanding video from Blue Label Visuals with you. Packed into just 7 minutes, it's a wonderful, quick encapsulation of our studios and facility during a moment of transition. The Premiere event has now been converted to a permanent video on our page on Facebook. Or, just click the link to see it on our YouTube channel!
First Collaboration with NC Athletic Trainers Assn. (Spring 2019)
The North Carolina Athletic Trainers' Association in conjunction with ClearWater Artist Studios is pleased to present "The Art of Injury Prevention and Athletic Training," an Athletic Training and Sports Medicine photographic and illustrated art exhibition displayed at ClearWater Artist Studios in Concord, NC.
Introduction to ClearWater (Spring 2019)
ClearWater Artist Studios (our name at the time) and the City of Concord, NC were excited to announce a new video, in May 2019, crafted as a dynamic introduction to the Studios & art center, which are open to the public. Johny Walker, videographer & owner of Blue Label Visuals in Charlotte, worked closely with Sarah Gay, Coordinator of ClearWater for the City's Planning & Neighborhood Development Department, to create this 4-minute ‘Introduction to ClearWater.’ More collaborations and video updates will be coming as we expand. Enjoy!
ClearWater Arts Center & Studios enables inspiration, creative expression and community connections through providing access to top-notch artists, their teaching and their works; as well as affordable space for working artists to build their practice and community, and for the community to hold private or public events and to gather.